The complications of fraud crime and the need for a fraud solicitor


Fraud is a criminal offence that depending on the nature of the crime, can be dealt with severely in a court of law here in the UK. A fraud allegation can have a significant impact on your reputation, and it can affect your career, business and other prospects. Serious fraud cases may be heard at the Crown Court and can hold a penalty of up to 10 years of imprisonment as well as a large monetary fine. Therefore, it is very important that you contact a specialist fraud solicitor immediately if you are accused of fraud.

Whether you are arrested or called in for voluntary questioning, it is vital that you ask to have a fraud solicitor with you at the police station to find out more about the allegations that have been made against you and advise you on how to proceed. You will be offered a duty solicitor; however, it is highly beneficial for you to instruct a specialist fraud solicitor instead to help achieve the best outcome for your case.

A fraud investigation is often lengthy, requiring extensive paperwork and evidence; this can be an especially stressful and upsetting period of your life, so you should have expert advice and assistance throughout the process. Your specialist fraud solicitor will collect as much evidence as possible to support your defence and communicate with the authorities on your behalf, making sure all paperwork and information are submitted correctly and in a timely manner.

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They will accompany you for interviews and re-interviews and advise you on how you should conduct yourself during this time. Your fraud solicitor will not only put together a strong defence for your case but also defend your assets from seizure, restraint or confiscation. They will also advise you on how to protect your reputation or repair damage to your reputation, which may occur as a result of the allegation or prosecution.

Different types of fraud

Unfortunately, fraud is one of the most common crimes in the UK; therefore, you will be investigated thoroughly. Statistics show that bank and credit card fraud is the most common type of fraud committed in England and Wales, followed by consumer and retail fraud.

The CPS recognises three main ways of committing a fraud crime; these are fraud by false representation, fraud by failure to disclose information and fraud by abuse of position. These methods are carried out to dishonestly create a loss for financial gain, and whether or not you are successful, you can still be charged and prosecuted; however, the loss or gain incurred will affect the sentence compensation.

To make sure that you do not implicate yourself any further after you have been placed under arrest or called into questioning, contact your specialist solicitor immediately, regardless of whether it is a false allegation or not. Your fraud solicitor will provide you with expert, impartial and confidential advice, and they will work with you to the best of their ability to put together a strong defence for your case.

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