4 Tips to Stay Focused at Work When Going Through a Divorce


You surely know the unspoken rule that you shouldn’t take your personal problems to work and vice versa. However, if your problem is as heavy as a divorce, it may prove easier said than done.

Nothing is ever easy in divorce. It’s not like your marriage can end with just a simple “goodbye.” There are a lot of things involved. For one, you have to follow certain procedures mandated by the law. There are also different parties involved, from your families to your Townsville lawyer, and even your coworkers who have already become your friends.

Going through a divorce means that you’re about to officially end something that was once beautiful. It does not ever only affect your home life. It can also change the way you function professionally. Then again, life must go on. Here are some tips to help you stay focused at work during this difficult time.

1. Ignore or block divorce-related messages during office hours.

As much as possible, do not open your personal email while you’re in the office. It will also help to use a separate phone to get in touch with your lawyer. If that’s not possible, simply ask them to not contact you during office hours, unless for very urgent matters.

Doing this will help keep your mind off of divorce-related issues and communication while you’re at work. You’ll be able to focus better on your tasks at hand. Furthermore, when you talk to your lawyer after work, you will also be able to focus on the discussion about your divorce, without work to think about.

2. If you feel it’s necessary, tell your boss.

If you think your divorce will affect your work in one way or another, you should consider giving your boss a heads up. That is if you can trust your boss to respect your privacy.

If your boss knows what you’re going through, they may become more considerate of your situation. It may be easier for you to ask for time off work to deal with something related to the divorce, say, to attend a court session.


3. Take it one task at a time.

Divorce can easily overwhelm anyone. Your tasks at work can help you stay busy and distracted, allowing you to forget about your personal problems even for just a few hours a day. However, divorce also has that power to distract you and keep you from being productive.

To make sure that you’re not overwhelmed by both the divorce and your work, take it one task at a time. Break down tasks into smaller tasks. Then, list them down in order of importance. Your goal should be to tick off tasks one by one until you’re done for the day.

4. Take a break and get mood boosters.

At some point, you may find yourself wanting to break down because of the stress. When this happens, take a break. It may help to go for a quick walk to the coffee shop to stretch your legs and get your favourite drink. These little mood boosters can go a long way in helping you get through the day.

Don’t Let Divorce Take the Joy Out of the Work That You Love

That coping with divorce is difficult may be an understatement. However, you have to keep yourself together, especially at work. As much as possible, remind yourself that things will be alright in the end. After all, your family, friends, and divorce lawyer got your back!

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